zaterdag 12 mei 2012

Eva her DAY

Howdy, this is ELINE writing about a typical Eva-day.

Here it goes.

I do really need to start off with a serious health warning for anyone who would like to read on beyond this point. Knowing more about Eva could lead to a serious case of pleasure overload (mind that you can still stop reading here). The Eva I know can be suffering at random moments from very strange spells. Not the least to say that she can quite unexpected and suddenly start to comb her hair in front of the mirror in the classroom. Perhaps the most normal fact related to Eva is that her cat listens to the name of Tiger. I will not elaborate any further on the fact that cats actually are a living room version of tigers, possibly leading to a largely unsupported conclusion that cats do often listen to that very name.

We can alI suppose that Eva wakes up preferably in the morning (as here defined to be at seven o’clock in the morning, CET) and then drags herself to the bathroom in order to straighten her hair, put on some make-up, etc…. After doing all of that, she leaves her parent’s house and elegantly bikes to school (oh joy when it is a rainy day). During lunch break at school, Eva and a selection of her finest friends are gathering in the canteen where they talk about things and stuff (which could be everything, excluding metaphysics and healthy sport activities). If ever they succeed in finishing eating, the break is often not over yet. Once every blue moon, Eva visits the school library, however her stay there is mostly limited in time as she – being a very silent and discrete person - always gets kicked out (this is a true story, God to be my witness). Then lessons start once more for another 3 hours, as this period is often done in some kind of suspended animation no additional facts are added here.

After school she arrives back home, puts her bike away, and enters the house, and spends her evening with stuff like a little school work, some more checking Facebook, and even more texting with her friends. She might also have dinner. A day doesn't last forever, and when the sun is going down Eva goes to sleep, and this can be really funny during wintertime as this can be rather early in the evening.

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